- Experts across the UK
Competitive pricing
Experts with a wealth of experience and knowledge
Fast turnaround of detailed medico legal reports
Efficient and exceptional administration services

Professor Gus A Baker
- Cedr Qualified Mediator
- Over 25 years experience in Clinical Neuropsychology spent equally between Clinical Research and Clinical Practice at the University of Liverpool and The Walton Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery
- Over 20 years of providing expert neuropsychological reports for the Court • Member of APIL [Association of Personal Injury Lawyers]
- Fellow of the British Psychological Society and recipient of BPS Lifetime award
- Author over 240 books chapters and papers on relevant subjects

Mr Ryan Aguiar, Cpsychol, AFBPsS
Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist
BA, MA, PGDip App Neuropsychology
- 2011 to date: Head of Psychology, Ashworth Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust
- 2009 to 2011: Lead Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist-Head of Forensic Neurorehabilitation, Ashworth Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust
- 2004 to date: Visiting Lecturer University of Liverpool, and Lancaster University.
- 2004 to 2009: Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist – Head of Clinical Neuropsychology, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre, Mossley Hill Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust.
- 1999–2004: Clinical Psychologist-Clinical Neuropsychology and Older Adults Mental Health, Dorset HealthCare NHS Trust
- 1996-1999: Clinical Psychologist- Adult Mental Health, Dorset HealthCare NHS Trust.
- 1995-1996: Clinical Psychologist-Masina Hospital, Bombay, India
Lecturer in Psychology-Sathe College, University of Bombay, Bombay, India
Mr Aguiar is a consultant clinical neuropsychologist and is the head of the psychology department at a high secure hospital in England.
Mr Aguiar has over 20 years experience as a clinical psychologist in the National Health Service, with extensive experience in the neuropsychological assessment and treatment of individuals with acquired brain injury and neurological conditions, severe and enduring mental health disorders, and dementia. Mr Aguiar is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is an Associate Fellow of the British psychological Society. Mr Aguiar is a practitioner full member of the Division of Neuropsychology of the British Psychological Society.
Prior to moving into forensic neuro rehabilitation, Mr Aguiar headed up a NHS post-acute brain injury rehabilitation service in Merseyside, providing specialist multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with severe cognitive behavioural and emotional difficulties. Mr Aguiar previously ran a NHS community neuropsychology service and provided specialist diagnostic neuropsychological assessment for a NHS older People’s dementia service in Dorset.
Mr Aguiar has been a member of various specialist advisory groups and working parties including stroke services, brain injury, and brain injury and justice.
Mr Aguiar holds visiting lectureship position on the doctorate in clinical psychology programs at the University of Liverpool and the University of Lancaster, and the clinical neuropsychology academic course at the University of Bristol.
Mr Aguiar’s research interests include neurobehavioural disorders and the neuropsychology of offending behaviour. Mr Aguiar has published and presented at various conferences in this area.
Mr Aguiar has been providing medical legal assessments to the courts since 2004. He has provided expert witness testimony in court in both civil and criminal matters. Mr Aguiar has been instructed as a single joint expert in both civil and criminal matters. Mr Aguiar provides specialist neuropsychological reports for medical legal cases in personal injury matters, assessment of decision-making capacity under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, fitness to plead, and in matters of criminal responsibility.
Mr Aguiar has undertaken the Bond Solon expert witness training. He is cited in the directory of chartered clinical psychologist and The British Psychological Society’s Directory of Expert Witnesses. Mr Aguiar is listed on the British Psychological Society’s specialist register in clinical neuropsychology.
Membership of Professional societies
- Practitioner Full Member of the Division of Neuropsychology- British Psychological Society
- Member of the Division of Clinical Psychology-British Psychological Society
Other professional Positions
- 2004-2009 Member of the Specialist Commissioning Group for Acquired Brain Injury Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Health Authority.
- 2002-2004 Member of the Lead Implementation Group for The National Service Frameworks in Stroke. The aim of this group was to develop and implement the NSF guidelines for stroke at the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals, Dorset.
- 2001-2002 Member of the Alzheimer’s early intervention working group. This working group was commissioned jointly by Poole Social Services and Poole Primary Care Trust to put forward a proposal to set up an early assessment and intervention service for Dementia in Poole, Dorset.
Expert Witness registration
- The British Psychological Society’s Directory Of Expert Witness
- The UK Register of Expert Witness
- Expert Witness Directory

Jonathan Hobson
Consultant ENT / Head & Neck Surgeon
- MA 1996 University of Cambridge (Gonville & Caius)
- BM BCh 1999 University of Oxford
- FRCS (ORL-HNS) 2008 Royal College of Surgeons of England
- PGCertMedEd 2011 University of Dundee
Jonathan is a substantive NHS ENT / Thyroid surgeon working at Wythenshawe Hospital. He is the lead thyroid surgeon for ENT for the Trust and runs the weekly neck lump clinic.
Jonathan treats problems with hearing and deafness, otitis media with effusion, age related hearing loss, tinnitus and eustachian tube dysfunction, dizziness and vertigo, ear infections, perforated ear drum and cholesteatoma, protruding ears, sinus infection and rhino-sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal injuries, nasal polyps, tumours of the nose, nasal obstruction, disorders of the sense of smell, adenoid problems, tonsillitis, hoarseness and laryngitis, swallowing problems, upper airway breathing problems, snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea, cancer affecting the thyroid as well as thyroid and parathyroid problems in general.
Jonathan has been preparing reports for the Court since 2013 and these have been a mixture of personal injury, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and clinical negligence cases. He has received training in the preparation of medico-legal reports and is fully compliant with CPR rules and regularly attends medico-legal training events.
Jonathan has prepared reports for claimants (70%), defendants (10%) and joint instructions (20%) and he has Courtroom experience.

Professor Saul Myerson
Consultant Cardiologist
- 2018 Cardiff University Bond-Solon Expert Witness Certificates in Civil and Criminal Law
- 2013 FRCP Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians, London
- 2007 FESC European Society of Cardiology
- 2002 MD University College London
- 1993 MB ChB University of Bristol Medical School
Saul has 25 years’ experience in cardiology, with 14 years as a consultant in Oxford, providing specialist care in all areas of cardiology.
Cardiac Diagnostics and Imaging
Saul is the head of cardiac imaging and physiology (the major cardiac diagnostic services) at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, a centre of excellence in cardiology. His particular practice is in cardiovascular MRI and echocardiography, and he has performed many thousands of these scans. Saul is also experienced in the interpretation of electrocardiography (ECG), exercise testing, and 24 hour blood pressure monitoring.
Saul has substantial experience as an expert witness in cardiology, providing 70-100 reports a year on all areas of clinical negligence, as well as specialist assessment of cardiac imaging and other diagnostic testing. His experience includes civil cases, employment tribunals, criminal cases (including fitness for trial) and the Court of Protection. He acts for both claimant and defence (50/45% respectively), including many large national solicitors, the Medical Protection Society and Medical Defence Union, NHS Resolution and the Welsh Health Boards. Saul also has significant experience as a single joint expert and as a GMC expert witness in cardiology.
Saul has undertaken expert witness training by Bond Solon, and has been awarded Cardiff University Bond-Solon Expert Witness Certificates in Civil and Criminal Law; He is also a member of the Expert Witness Institute. Solicitors’ feedback is overwhelmingly positive, and Saul has been voted the Lawyer Monthly magazine cardiology expert witness of the year 2017 and 2019. Saul is happy to receive documents electronically or in paper form, and reviews many files on secure online portals. He has a secure nhs.net email account for confidential communication, in addition to encrypted standard emails.

Paul Fenton
Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon
MB ChB, FRCS (Tr + Orth)
- MB ChB (Edinburgh University) 2001
- FRCS (England), 2012
- Basic Surgical Training, Rotherham General Hospital, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield
- Higher Surgical Training, Birmingham Orthopaedic Training Programme
- Fellowship Training
- Bristol Royal Infirmary, Limb Reconstruction and Trauma
- Northern General Hospital, Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Tampa General Hospital, Florida, AO Trauma Fellow
Paul works as a Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon in a University Hospital which serves as the major trauma centre for the Birmingham region.
Prior to this Paul was the Limb Reconstruction Fellow in Bristol. The majority of the workload was in acute trauma and post-traumatic reconstruction using both internal and external fixation particularly circular frames. For the last 3 months of this fellowship he worked as a locum consultant. This was followed by further fellowship training in elective and trauma foot and ankle surgery at the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield.
In addition Paul has published papers in peer reviewed journals on orthopaedics in general and orthopaedic trauma. Paul has presented work at both national and international conferences and teaches on a number of national courses in the field of orthopaedic trauma.
Paul is the Associate Editor of Trauma, a peer reviewed journal dealing with trauma care.

Dr. Mark Burgin
MRCGP, DCH, Dip Medical Ethics BM BCh, MA
MB ChB, FRCS (Tr + Orth)
Dr Mark Burgin worked for several years in hospital (including psychiatry and other specialities, 16 years as a GP and trained as a disability analyst and now has 20 years of experience as a medical legal expert.
He works in PI, clinical negligence as well as providing disability reports in criminal, family and asylum cases. He writes screening reports based upon his wide experience of law and medicine. He is also the author of the book The Art of Personal Injury Report Writing.
- Royal College of General Practitioners
- Regular attendance at medical and legal training courses. Recent Bond Solon Cardiff Law school CPR 35 training. Up-to-date with CPD. Recent appraisal. Cardiff University Law School Medico-Legal Foundation Certificate.

Professor F.S. FAHMY
Consultant Plastic, Hand, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgeon
FRCSI (Plast)
Commenced Medicolegal work in 2001.
I am in current clinical practice. I have been preparing medical reports for over 20 years with reference to Personal Injuries for Plastic and Hand surgery. My reports are impartial, independent of the source of instruction and contain a range of opinion where applicable.
My opinion is based upon many years of experience of medicolegal practice with current clinical experience and up-to-date training in both medico-legal and clinical matters.
A fixed fee is provided prior to undertaking any work. The time frames are adhered to.
CPD points in expert evidence: 5
Medico Legal training courses attended: Specialist Info Standard Medico-legal Course in 2011.
Bond Solon Training CPR 35, November 2017.
My medico-legal work is fully indemnified by PMP.
I attended the Annual Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference – 4th November 2022.
Further I’ve attended Derby Hand surgery webinars
- Waiting time for next Medico Legal appointment: 2 – 4 weeks
- Waiting time from appointment to report: 2-4 weeks
- Home visits undertaken: Yes
- Weekend visits undertaken: Yes
- Prison visits undertaken: Yes
- Appointment locations: Abergele (North Wales), Birmingham, Chester, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Wrexham.
- Since April 2001 Professor Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon
- Most Senior Surgeon in the Department (NHS)
- The Countess of Chester Hospital, UK
- Private Practice
- Nuffield Health Group & Spire Health Group, UK
- Member; British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS)
- Former Member, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS)
- Member, UK Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (UKAAPS)
- Member, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS)
- Member; British Medical Association
MEDICAL SCHOOL Ain Shams University, CAIRO
- FRCSI (Plast) 1999
- MS Part 2 – Surgery in General 1992
- MS Thesis – Parenteral Nutrition 1991
- M.S. : Part I – Applied Basic Sciences 1989
- M.B.B.Ch 1985
AWARDS: * 3 Clinical Excellence Awards.
* MaryDuguid prize for Study of the 3D-Fasciectomy in Dupuytrens’ disease.
* M.B.B.Ch awarded with honours
GMC REGISTRATION: 4160315 (Specialist Register)
- • External Examiner of PhD for Anglia Ruskin University, 2020/2021.
- • Governor on Kings’ School Board of governance.
- • Appraiser for other Consultants.
- • Professor in Chester University.
- • Approved Tutor (Recognised Teacher Status) for Cosmetic and Dermatology Modules,
University of South Wales, 2018.
- • Examiner of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Plastic Surgery, 2017
- • Senior Clinician of the Plastic Surgery Department at the Countess of Chester Hospital.
- • Author of 2 Chapters in Cosmetic Surgery: Arts and Techniques, 2012
- • Author of a Chapter in an International Plastic surgery book on breast surgery 2009.
- • 3 Clinical Excellence Awards.
- • On the panel for The National Selection of Registrars in Plastic Surgery.
- • Former Registrar & SHO training representative.
- • Elected for the Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) in Plastic surgery, 2006-2009.
- • Examiner of the MRCS of the RCS Ireland and RCS Edinburgh.
- • On the panel for the IMRCS MCQ.
- • Member of the MAC for Spire Yale Private Hospital, Wrexham
Hand & Microsurgery Fellowship Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
(June 2000 – September 2000) Taipei, Taiwan
- A. Books and Chapters
- • Author of a chapter in;Cosmetic Surgery : Art and Techniques.Reduction Mammoplasty”The Piece of Art”, 2012. Springer
- • Author of a chapter in;Cosmetic Surgery : Art and Techniques.Abdominoplasty, “Aesthetics of the anterior abdominal wall”, 2012. Springer
- • Author of a Chapter in the Int’l book Mastopexy and Breast Reduction: Principles and Practice, 2009. Springer
- B. Journals
- • Mystery Lipomas and the Deceptive Ultrasound, accepted for publication in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, 2019.
- • 3-Dimensional Fasciectomy: A highly efficacious common ground approach to Dupuytren’s surgery.
Archives of Plastic Surgery, 2018;45(6):557-563. Published online, November15,2018.
- • Post-Surgical pyoderma gangrenosum Vs Necrotising Fasciitis: Can we spot the difference?
Annals of Plastic Surgery, May 2017.
- • Technical refinements utilizing LD in Male Poland Syndrome
Egypt,J.Plast.Reconstr.Surg.,Vol.37, No.2, July:237-243,2013.
- • Axillary Skin Malignancy: a rare breast cancer presentation.
Miranda B and Fahmy F, Accepted in Annals of Plastic Surgery 2012
- • Bilateral Dupuytren’s contractures of the thumb interphalangeal joints
Elliott C, Miranda B, Fahmy F, Accepted JPRAS 2012
- • Subungual Melanoma: Important tip
B.Miranda, D. Houghton, FS Fahmy. Published in JPRAS September2012.
• Rectus sheath plication in abdominoplasty: an assessment of its longevity with ultrasound S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, G Doyle, F Fahmy. Published JPRAS in March 2012, JPRAS65(3):328-332
- • Conversion of closed suction drain to open system with colostomy bag after regional lymphadenectomy can permit early discharge.F.Choukairi, A.Soueid, F.S.Fahmy.Published in JPRAS 2010
- • Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour of the Hand : Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of a Child. S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, F Fahmy. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2008 Oct;33(5):677
- • Letter PRS in response to SOS. Volume 120. NUMBER 4. September 15,2007, Page 1083
- • Male patient presented with axillary breast cancer.Ali Hussein and F.S.FAHMY Published GMCtoday March 2007
- • The SOS preoperative marking technique in breast reduction and mastopexy.F.S.FAHMY and S. Gorse-Hemington.Published in PRS, June 2006.
- • .Tendon Sheath infection as a cause of Dupuytren’s contracture.A. Mandal and F.S.FAHMY. Published in the JHS 2006/2007.
- • Marking the Nipple/Areola complex in reduction mammaplasty: The Gallipot (Letter to Editor). T.SILLITOE and F.S.FAHMY
Published in the EJPS.
- • Management of complex upper limb injury.
S C TUCKER, F S FAHMY, N Cawrse, L Sacks, E N Munro Accepted for the peer reviewed web site of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, September 2000
• Lightning: The Multisystem Injury.
F.S. FAHMY, M. BRINSDEN, J. SMITH AND J.D. FRAME Journal of Trauma, 1999.
- • Calcinosis: Microdrilling of digital calcinosis.
F.S. FAHMY, V. DEVARAJ AND D. EVANS, European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1998.
• Unusual skin injury from lightning.
J. WEBB, J. SRINIVASAN, F.S. FAHMY AND J.D. FRAMEThe Lancet, February 1996.
• A devil of a flexor tendon injury. (Case report).
F.S. FAHMY, J.H. PALMER European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1995.
• Pasteurella tenosynovitis following a dog bite.
F.S. FAHMY, M.S. MORGAN AND P.J. SAXBYInjury, May 1994.
Also abstracted in the 1995 Year Book of Emergency Medicine.
• Skin Graft storage and keratinocyte viability.
F.S. FAHMY, H.A. NAVSARIA, J.D. FRAME, C.R. JONES AND I.M. LEIGH British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1993.
- • Liposuction for drainage of large haematoma.F.S. FAHMY, N.S. MOIEMEN AND J.D. FRAME. Injury, January 1993.
- • Preoperative splinting in Dupuytren’s contracture
S. Gorse-Hemington, F.S.Fahmy. Submitted for publication.
Selfie in Trauma; The triage tool
Accepted for BAPRAS presentation in November 2020, UK.
Selfie (SAP) in Hand trauma, accepted for oral presentation in the FESSH, Basil (Switzerland) 2020.
Invited as a Chair in the Euro Surgeons Meet, Amsterdam 2019.
Two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction: a single unit’s experience spanning 16 years.
Euro Surgeons Meet, Amsterdam 2019.
The Lymphoma-Lipoma Diagnostic Challenge.
Euro Surgeons Meet, Amsterdam 2019.
3-Dimensional Fasciectomy. A new technique for Fasciectomy-a study of 585 patients.
FESSH Copehagen, 2018
Atypical Fibroxanthoma- A Management Challenge
Summer BAPRAS & FAPRAS Helsiniki 2017
Compaparison of Informed Consents In Plastic Surgery: Should We Have An International Gold Standard
ISAPS Japan, 2016
Pyoderma gangrenosum- Post surgery
ASPS 2016
Digital Mucus Cyst
Poster FESSH, Milan 2015
Metastatic Carcinoma Little Finger
Poster BAPRAS 2014
Dupuytren’s contracture fasciectomy techniques – New versus old: A study of 585 patients
Miranda B, Harvery I, Webb M, Fahmy F, Accepted in BSSH Autumn meeting, 2012
3D-fascietomy: A novel approach to fasciectomy
Fahmy F and Miranda B, Accepted, as a poster in BSSH Autumn meeting, 2012
Dupuytren’s Contracture Fasciectomy techniques: New Versus Old: A study of 585 patients
Miranda B, Harvery I, Webb M, Fahmy F, Accepted in IPRAS 2013, Chile
3D- Fasciectomy: The Collective Approach to Dupuytren’s surgery
Fahmy F and Miranda B, Accepted in IPRAS 2013, Chile
The Single Scar Technique in reconstruction of male Poland Syndrome using Latissmus Dorsi Flap
Amin M and Fahmy F, Accepted in IPRAS 2013, Chile
She’s all thumbs’: bilateral thumb interphalangeal joint Dupuytren’s disease”.
Elliott C, Miranda B, Fahmy F, Northern General Skills Conference 2012.
She’s all thumbs’: bilateral thumb interphalangeal joint Dupuytren’s disease”.
Elliott C, Miranda B, Fahmy F, UKMSA 2012
Rapid Onset long Acting Brachial Plexus Blocks in Hand Surgery
A El Gawad, M Saleh, A Logan and F Fahmy, BSSH 2011, UK, October 2011.
Rapid Onset long Acting Brachial Plexus Blocks in Hand Surgery
A El Gawad, M Saleh, A Logan and F Fahmy, EUROHAND2011, Oslo, May 2011.
Rectus sheath plication in abdominoplasty: an assessment of its longevity with ultrasound
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, G Doyle, F Fahmy, IPRAS, Vancouver, Canada, May 2011.
Tips and refinements in Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty; The 3 – plane dissection. Fouzia Choukairi , FS FAHMY, IPRAS, Vancouver, Canada, May 2011.
Rectus sheath plication in abdominoplasty: an assessment of its longevity with ultrasound
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, G Doyle, F Fahmy, Poster presentation BAPRAS, December 2010.
Rectus sheath placation in abdominoplasty: an assessment of its longevity with ultrasound
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, G Doyle, F Fahmy, Poster presentation BAAPS, September 2010.
Rectus plication in abdominoplasty: assessment of its longevity
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, G Doyle, F Fahmy, Electronic Presentation ISAPS, San Francisco, August 2010
Correlation between Operative and Histological excision Margins
S Yao, KE Nelson and F Fahmy, Poster at the 13th World Congress for cancer of the skin, Madrid, April 2010.
Tips and refinements in Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty; The 3 – plane dissection. Fouzia Choukairi , FS FAHMY, 11th congress ESPRAS, Rhodes, Greece 2009
Gortex Extrusion: A devil in Digit Pulley Reconstruction
Joseph Ring, FS FAHMY, Poster 11th congress ESPRAS, Rhodes, Greece 2009
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of the hand : challenges in diagnosis and management of a child
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, FS Fahmy, Poster in IPRAS, Berlin 2007
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of the hand : challenges in diagnosis and management of a child
S Tadiparthi, K Shokrollahi, FS Fahmy. Winter BAPRAS, London 2006
Preoperative splinting in Dupuytren’s contracture
S. Gorse-Hemington, F.S.Fahmy. Presentation ESPRAS, Vienna 2005
The SOS marking technique for Breast Reduction.
Fahmy,F.S., S. Gorse-Hemington. Presentation ESPRAS, Vienna, 2005
Tendon Sheath infection as a cause of Dupuytren’s contracture
A.Mandal, F.S.Fahmy.Poster at the summer BAPS 2005
Preoperative marking of Breast Augmentation
A.Mandal, F.S.Fahmy.Poster at the summer BAPS 2005
Preoperative splinting in Dupuytren’s contracture
S. Gorse-Hemington, F.S.Fahmy. Poster at the FESSH, Gotenburg, Sweden 2005
The SOS marking technique for Breast Reduction.
Fahmy,F.S., Sillitoe,T. Presented at the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, 2003, by the second author.
The SOS marking technique for Breast Reduction.
Fahmy,F.S., Sillitoe,T, Stanley,P.S. Presented at the IPRAS, Sydney 2003, by the second author.
The Isolated Drop Thumb: unusual presentation of non-traumatic posterior interosseous nerve palsy.
Brussels International Symposium, March 2003 (presented by my SHO, Mr.Stables)
The Isolated Drop Thumb: unusual presentation of non-traumatic posterior interosseous nerve palsy.
FESSH (European Hand Surgery Meeting), Lisbon,Portugal, 2003
The Renovated Charles procedure in the management of Lymphoedema.
Summer BAPS, July 2001
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Secondary to Clavicular Fractures.
British Society for Surgery of the Hand, October 2000.
The Anterolateral Thigh Flap; Experience with 300 cases.
The British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter meeting, 2000.
Calcinosis: Microdrilling of digital calcinosis.
International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS) meeting San Francisco, June / July 1999.
Calcinosis: Microdrilling of digital calcinosis.
Autumn Meeting of the British Society of Hand Surgery, November 1998.
Reduction Mammaplasty: What is actually reduced?
BAAPS Meeting, December 1997.
Group Lightning Injury.
Summer British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS), July 1996.
Lightning: Report of 14 human injuries and damage to belongings
2nd Asian Pacific Burns Meeting, Hong Kong, February 1996.
Skin Graft Storage and Keratinocyte Viability
- The 9th Congress of the International Society of Burn Injuries (ISBI) held in Paris in June 1994 .
- Winter BAPS in 1992.
- European Burns Association Meeting (EBA) in Brighton 1993 .
- Australian – New Zealand Burns Association Meeting 1993
Breast Reduction Audit.
South West Regional Audit Meeting, September 1997.
Parenteral Nutrition
Presented to the Surgical Committee in Egypt in 1991, under the supervision of Professor Rafik Ramsis (M.S. Thesis).
- • Examiner of the RCSI for the Intercollegiate Membership Examination (MRCSI) Examiner of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Plastic Surgery.
- • Member to the Panel of MCQ Question Writers for the RCS.
- • On the Faculty for Plastic Surgery core courses organised by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
- • Regular lecturing to A&E Officers, Nursing (ENB 264 course) and Paramedical Staff
- • Regular (weekly) tutorials and teaching Ward Rounds to Junior Staff including teaching in the Operating theatre.
- • Lecturing to Medical Students at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London and St Andrew’s Hospital, Billericay.
Tutorials and lectures to medical students during Surgical attachments in El-Sahel Teaching Hospital, Egypt.
- • Examiner of the RCSI for the Intercollegiate Membership Examination (IMRCSI) and the Intercollegiate Examination board for Plastic Surgey.
- • Member to the Panel of MCQ Question Writers for the RCS
- • Training Representative, Countess of Chester Hospital, Chester.
- • Organisation of all departmental teaching programs and combined Pathology meetings.
- • Coordination of all audit data and organization of Morbidity/ Mortality meetings.
- • Creation of all departmental on-call rotas and weekly assignation of Juniors to clinical commitments.
- • Experience in organization of Regional Audit meeting for the South West.
- Spire Appraiser, Refresher Course 2020.
- • The Open University’s online course; Starting with law: An overview of the law, 2020.
- • Euro surgeons meeting, Amsterdam 2019.
- • UKAAPS, 2019
- • Dermoscopy Course, Cardiff 2018.
- • BAAPS, London 2018.
- • Medical Mandatory training, January 2018.
- • Winter BAPRAS, 2017
- • Bond Solon Training CPR 35, November 2017
- • BAPRAS & FAPRAS, Helsinki 2017
- • ISAPS Japan, 2016
- • Winter BAPRAS , November 2014
- • Mandatory training, November 2014
- • Safeguarding Children Level2, June 2014
- • Equality and Diversity, May 2014
- • BAPRAS 2013, Dublin.
- • IPRAS 2013, Chile (CME 29).
- • Medical Mandatory training, November 2012
- • FESSH, Belgium 2012
- • BSSH, London 2011
- • IPRAS, Vancouver 2011.
- • Medico-legal Expert Witness course, Manchester March 2011 (5CPD).
- • IGuide workshop, Chelmsford, January 2011
- • Medical Mandatory training, September 2010
- • ISAPS, San Francisco, August 2010 (CME 34)
- • Advanced Communication Skills Training (ACST), Liverpool, 18-20 January 2010.
- • Winter BAPRAS 2009
- • BSSH, Nottingham November 2009
- • BAAPS, Cardiff September 2009. (CME 12.5 points)
- • Facial Rejuvenation anatomy workshop, Glasgow January 2009.
- • Winter BAPRAS, December 2008.
- • FESSH, Lausanne 2008
- • EPRAS, Berlin 2007
- • FESSH (Hand Surgery), Glasgow, June 2006.
- • Training the Trainer course, RCS, London, May 2006.
- • Single Best Answer course for the MCQ for the IMRCS set by the RCS, Manchester, April 06
- • Examiner training course, RCSI, Dublin Feb 06
- • IPRAS, Vienna, August 2005
- • FESSH, Sweden, June 2005
- • Employment law, Royal Liverpool hospital, May 2005
- • Mediterranean Society of Aesthetic Surgery, Nice,France 2005
- • Annual meeting of BAAPS, Chester 2004
- Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Egypt, 2004
- Facial Aesthetic Surgery, London, 2004
- BAAPS, Chester, 2004
- FESSH, Lisbon, 2003
- IPRAS, Sydney , 2003
- BAAPS, London, 2003
- BSSH, Cambridge, April 2003
- Winter BAPS, December 2002
- BSSH, Edinburgh 2002.
- BAAPS, September 2002
- BSSH, London October, 2001
- Summer BAPS, Stirling July, 2001 (CME 17)
- Dallas Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetic Course, March 2001
- Instructional Hand Course, January 2001
- Winter BAPS, December 2000
- BSSH, October 2000
- Instructional Hand Course, Manchester ,January 2000
- Autumn Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Blackpool, 1999
- IPRAS San Francisco, June 1999
- ATLS , May 1999
- Upper Limb Anatomy Course, Windsor, April 1999.
- British Society for Surgery of the Hand, London 1998.
- Summer BAPS, Colchester 1998.
- Computer courses RSA, UK 1997 / 1998
- British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Newcastle 1998.
- BAAPS, London 1997.
- Limb Trauma Management, St. Thomas’s Hospital, London 1997.
- Advanced Course in Hand Surgery, Sheffield 1997.
- British Society Hand Meeting, Birmingham 1996.
- A-O Hand Course, Derby 1996.
- Summer BAPS, Leicester, July 1996.
- Advanced course in Plastic Surgery, Leicester, March 1996.
- 2nd Asian Pacific Burns Meeting, Hong Kong 1996.
- European Burns Association (EBA) Meeting in Verona, Italy 1995.
- Winter Meeting for the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) 1994.
- Advanced course on skin cancer, Royal Marsden Hospital, London 1994 .
- International Society for Burn Injuries, Paris 1994.
- Winter Meeting for the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) 1993.
- European Burns Association Meeting (Brighton) EBA 1993.
- Beaconsfield (England) Hand Meeting 1993.
- Winter Meeting for the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) 1992.
- Canniesburn practical flap course 1992.
- Summer Meeting for the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) 1992.
- Combined BAO and BAPS meeting, Cambridge 1991.
- Microsurgery course, Northwick Park 1991.
- Sport: Football, Swimming
- Travel

Dr Nader Khandanpour
Consultant Neuroradiologist
I am a radiology consultant subspecialising in neuroradiology. I have obtained Fellowship of The Royal College of radiologists, England (FRCR). I have been trained as neuroradiology fellow at Yorkshire followed by achieving further Pan London Neuroradiology Fellowship.
I have also extended my experience by functioning as post CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) Neuroradiology Fellow.
I have been trained in radiology at Yorkshire. I have achieved experience in several large tertiary major neuroscience centres including King’s College, Great Ormond Street, and National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Barts & The London NHS Trust and St Georges NHS Trust.
I have achieved PhD in atherosclerosis, vascular disease and underlying genetics. I have conducted / published a wide range of studies from prospective cohorts to systematic reviews, meta-analyses and double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials (the best study designs scientifically to evaluate hypotheses). This has provided me with solid knowledge and skills to extract, interpret and weight the published literature related to my field of expertise. To this end I have achieved The UK – Comprehensive Clinical Research Network (UK-CCRN) Prestigious Award- National Portfolio study and The National Institute of Health Academic Fellowship (NIHR).
I have completed all four cycles of the European Board of Neuroradiology and successfully passed all the written and oral examinations which has led to achievement of the EDINR (European Diploma in Neuroradiology). The EDINR is a measure of excellence, which certifies that the holder has a level of knowledge and competence in line with the requirements of the European Board of Neuroradiology (EBNR[1]).I have been awarded a number of academic prizes and distinctions including medical school “gold medal in basic sciences” also medical school “gold medal in clinical knowledge”. These have provided me with a sound foundation in medicine. I have been working as consultant neuroradiologist at Atkinson Morley Wing, St George’s NHS, London, serving a population of several millions in south London as a tertiary referral centre.
I have also been reporting neonatal, paediatrics and adult neuroradiology cases as neuroradiology fellow and as consultant neuroradiologist in accredited tertiary specialised neuroradiology centres for about 10 years. I have reported multiple scans related to medico legal purposes.

Dr. Simon Minkoff
Simon qualified from Manchester Medical School in 1998. He has been a GP since 2011 in a variety of settings including:
- Inclusion healthcare, including opiate substitution therapy
- Small “single handed” suburban practice
- Large partnership urban practice
- Out of Hours
- Remote NHS GP services
- Remote Private GP services
Simon is experienced in critical independent review of medical records and other evidence.
- He has been a Medically Qualified Member of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service since 2011 considering appeals for Social Security Benefits claimants.
- During the COVID pandemic he was a member of the Clinical Audit Team at the National COVID Clinical Assessment Service and led their Clinical Safety Review Panel until the service was closed and decommissioned.
- He is a Medical Examiner at a large Greater Manchester NHS Trust responsible for the scrutiny of medical records before the legal issue of Medical Certificates of the Confirmation of Death.
Prior to GP training Simon was an Anaesthetic trainee (Senior House Officer and Specialist Registrar) and thus has broad experience of hospital medical and surgical specialties (emergency, urgent, and chronic conditions), intensive care, and acute and chronic pain management.
Following GP training Simon completed the Royal College of General Practitioners Part II Substance Misuse Training and was responsible for the delivery and change management of a busy Opiate Substitution Management Programme.
Simon has completed training on expert witness report writing and courtroom skills with the BMA, provided by Bond Solon, as well as the Annual Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference in 2022.
Simon is experienced in medico-political affairs, is Chairman of a Local Medical Committee (LMC), and has been an active member of the British Medical Association since graduation from Medical School. He has been Chair of several national conferences (Flexible Training, Junior Doctors, and Medico-Legal) of the BMA. He is currently a member of the BMA Board of Science, International Committee, North West Regional Council, Annual Representative Meeting Agenda Committee, and English LMC Conference Agenda Committee. He has had the privilege to be Chair of the BMA’s Medico Legal Committee since 2021.
“Dr Minkoff was really lovely – good to hear an expert on their feet as ultimately that is where they could end up.”

Dr Yameen Qureshi
Consultant Psychiatrist
I am a dually accredited specialist in both General Adult Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. I am on the specialist register held by the General Medical Council.
I am approved under Section 22 of the Care and Treatment (Scotland) (2003) Act as having special experience in the diagnosis and treatment of Mental Disorder.
- Undergraduate: MBBS University of London 2001
- Postgraduate: Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 2005
- Master’s Degree in Alcohol and Drug Addiction 2010
- Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 2021
- Consultant Psychiatrist NHS Lanarkshire 2010 – 2022
- GMC Number: 4771627
- MDU Number: 373352C
- ICO Registration: ZA372209
I am a dually accredited specialist in both General Adult Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. I am on the specialist register held by the General Medical Council.
I am approved under Section 22 of the Care and Treatment (Scotland) (2003) Act as having special experience in the diagnosis and treatment of Mental Disorder.
I am the lead clinician for General Adult Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry at the Priory Hospital Glasgow.
I have clinical experience in all aspects of adult psychiatry, with special expertise in matters pertaining to alcohol problems and substance misuse.
I am a Health Examiner and Medical Supervisor to the General Medical Council.
I am a Medical Advisor to the General Dental Council.
I have clinical experience in all areas of adult psychiatry, including treatment of post traumatic stress disorder, phobic anxiety and adjustment reactions. I have special expertise in matters pertaining to alcohol problems and substance misuse.
I have extensive experience as an expert witness on behalf of both claimants and defendants.
I have worked with professional regulatory bodies providing reports on fitness to practice matters.
I have provided medical reports for the insurance industry, occupational health and statutory organisations. I have carried out consultations with counsel prior to proof.
I have provided medico-legal reports and oral evidence to courts, tribunals and statutory bodies such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council, General Medical Council and representatives of the Scottish Government
I have undertaken medico-legal training through the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
I have passed all modules of the Aberdeen University – Bond Solon (AUBS) expert witness training and hold a Certificate of Accreditation as a Civil Expert Witness by Aberdeen University (2021).
I attended the Bond Solon Annual Expert Witness Conference (London) 2023.
I am registered in the Expert Witness Directory held by the Law Society of Scotland.
- Specialist Advisor to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England.
- Substance Misuse Advisor, NHS Lanarkshire Drug and Therapeutics Committee.
- External Advisor to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Scotland.
- Undergraduate Medical Examiner, Royal Free Medical School, University of London.

Mr Sameer Singh
Consultant Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon
I am Mr. Sameer Singh MBBS, Bsc, FRCS (Eng), a Consultant Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon, currently employed by Bedford Hospital.
I have extensive experience in providing expert reports for personal injury claims in legal cases. I have provided approximately 2,000 unbiased expert reports from 2008 till date on all matters pertaining to Orthopaedic trauma (Bone and Soft tissue) and soft tissue injuries including whiplash with a Claimant / defence ratio at 80/20.
I am Mr. Sameer Singh MBBS, Bsc, FRCS (Eng), a Consultant Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon, currently employed by Bedford Hospital
I have extensive experience in providing expert reports for personal injury claims in legal cases. I have provided approximately 2,000
unbiased expert reports from 2008 till date on all matters pertaining to Orthopaedic trauma (Bone and Soft tissue) and soft tissue injuries including whiplash with a Claimant / defence ratio at 80/20.
I have identified your firm, as one of the leading UK firms in personal injury matters catering for the needs of clients in processing claims and damages in personal injury and medical negligence cases. One integral aspect in the success or otherwise of these claims is a standard well detailed expert report from a medical professional, as myself, on the impacts of these accidents and injuries on your clients. It is on this basis I recognise that the provision of my services will be beneficial to the interest of your clients and integral to the success rate of your firm’s cases.
I can provide remote examination’s for clients and have consulting rooms in London, Milton Keynes and Bedford.
Sameer’s education include obtaining his FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) in November 2006, FRCS from Royal College of Surgeons England in April 2000, an M.B.B.S degree from University of London in June 1995 and a Bsc (Psychology) from the University of London in June 1992.
Sameer is certified as an expert witness by Bond Solon and by the Expert Witness Institute.
Sameer has many publications, has provided training to lawyers on personal injury matters, he has won a plethora of prize papers and has made many national and international presentations.
- BOA Medicolegal committee Home Fellow
- ExpertWitnesssince2008 – performing approximately 200 unbiased reports per year with a claimant to defendant ratio 80:20.
- Expert Witness on all matters pertaining to Orthopaedic trauma (Bone and soft tissue), work related disorders, criminal cases and soft tissue injuries including whiplash
- Medical Negligence workundertaken–for general trauma and upper limb disorders
- Specialist interest in upper limb disorders
- Appointmentsusuallyavailablewithin7-10days
- Home visits are possible and travel up to 50miles
- November 2006 FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics
- April 2000 FRCS Royal College of Surgeons England
- June 1995 M.B.B.S University of London
- June 1992 Bsc(2:1) Psychology University of London

Mr Mamdouh Shoukrey
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Mr Shoukrey has 25 years’ experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with 12 years as a consultant at Dorset County Hospital NHS Trust. He is Clinical Lead for Obstetrics Risk Management and Clinical Lead for Gynaecological Minimal Access Surgery.
Mr Shoukrey has 25 years’ experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with 12 years as a consultant at Dorset County Hospital NHS Trust. He is Clinical Lead for Obstetrics Risk Management and Clinical Lead for Gynaecological Minimal Access Surgery. Mr Shoukrey holds the Cardiff University Bond Solon Certificate in Civil Law. He has acted as an expert in civil cases, both defendant and claimant. He has given evidence in the Family court and the Coroner’s courts. He has prepared reports for clinical negligence and personal injury cases.
Complete profile
Mr Mamdouh Shoukrey is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, a position he has held since 2011. He has been practising obstetrics and gynaecology for over 25 years since his qualification. He is Obstetric Risk Management lead consultant at Dorset County Hospital and Lead for Minimal Access Surgery (key-hole surgery).
Mr Shoukrey holds the Cardiff University Bond Solon Certificate in Civil Law. He has acted as an expert in civil cases, both defendant and claimant. He has given evidence in the the family court and the Coroner’s courts. He has prepared reports for defendant (50%), claimant (40%) and joint instructions (10%).
In his role as Obstetric Risk Management lead consultant at Dorset County Hospital, Mr.Shoukrey investigates clinical risks and medical malpractice including root cause analysis of serious untoward incidents, and child death reviews.
Mr Shoukrey holds a Master’s Degree in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy from the University of Surrey.At Dorset County Hospital he is the lead clinician for Minimal Access Gynaecological (keyhole) Surgery. Whilst there he has introduced new surgical procedures including Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Laparoscopic Resection of Endometriosis. He routinely performs general gynaecological surgical procedures including abdominal and vaginal surgery. He also manages complex pregnancy, postnatal problems and childbirth including caesarean sections and instrumental deliveries.
Mr Shoukrey has taught at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists including training doctors in laparoscopic/hysteroscopic skills and emergency obstetrics including instrumental deliveries and shoulder dystocia, and is a Royal College examiner. He has presented scientific research papers at both national and international meetings, and has published articles in scientific journals in the field of minimal access surgery.